Step-by-Step Guide to Forming Your LLC with Tailor Brands

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Step 1: Start the LLC Formation Process:

Step 2 : Choose Your LLC State:

  • Select the state where you want to form your LLC.

Step 3 : Check Business Name Availability

  • Check Availability: Once you enter your desired business name, click on “Check availability” to ensure that the name is unique and not already in use. This step is crucial to avoid any legal issues later on.

Step 4: Overview of the LLC Formation Process

  • Understand the Steps: Tailor Brands simplifies the LLC formation process into four main steps:
    1. Tell Us About Your Business: Answer a few quick questions about your business to ensure your LLC filing is accurate.
    2. Get LLC Recommendations: Receive tailored recommendations for your LLC based on your business needs.
    3. Form Your LLC: Tailor Brands handles the paperwork and filing for you, saving you time and hassle.
    4. Stay Updated: Keep track of your application’s progress and status after submission.

Step 5 : Business Stage:

  • Choose the stage of your business: “Taking the first steps.”

Step 6 : Launch Timeline:

  • Select when you plan to launch your LLC: “As soon as possible.”

Step 7 : Industry Information:

  • Enter your industry: “e-Commerce.”
    • Select the type of offerings: “Physical goods.”

Step 8 : Hiring Plans:

  • Indicate if you plan to hire employees in the upcoming year: “Not sure.”

Step 9 : Operating Location (Optional):

  • Enter the postal code for your LLC’s location.
    • Select where you will serve customers: “Online.”

Step 10 : Additional Services:

  • Choose additional services needed for your business: “EIN.”

Step 11 : Existing Setup:

  • Check off tasks you have already completed for your LLC: “None of the above.”

Step 12 : Discovery Source:

  • Select how you discovered Tailor Brands: “Other”

Step 13 : Business Plan:

  • Choose if you want a tailored business plan: “I don’t need a business plan.”

Step 14 : Personal Information:

  • Enter your first name, last name, phone number, and email address.

Step 15 : EIN Service:

  • Select if you want Tailor Brands to help you get an EIN: “Help me get my EIN.”

Step 16 : Registered Agent:

  • Decide on using Tailor Brands as your registered agent: “Use Tailor Brands.”

Step 17 : Annual Compliance:

  • Choose if you want help with annual compliance: “Keep my LLC compliant.”

Step 18 : Branding Toolkit:

  • Decide on getting the Branding Toolkit: “I don’t want the tools.”

Step 19 : Expedited Filing:

  • Select your filing time preference: “Expedited filing time | 2 days.”

Step 20 : Operating Agreement:

  • Choose if you want an operating agreement: “Get my operating agreement.”

Step 21 : Business Bank Account:

  • Decide on opening a business bank account: “I want a FREE account.”

Step 22 : Select a Plan:

  • Choose the perfect plan to kickstart your LLC: “Essential.”

Step 23 : Create an Account:

  • Enter your email address and create a password to sign up.

Step 24 Review and Payment:

  • Review your selected plan and services.
    • Choose a payment method: “Card”/”Paypal”
    • Enter your card/Paypal details and billing information.
    • Click “Pay with Card: $359” to complete the payment.

By following these steps, you’ll successfully form your LLC with Tailor Brands.

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